dinsdag 18 november 2014

Ghost koi madness

Kinda went crazy on these, started tying and just couldn't stop.
I got inspired by the real ghost koi's with their yellow, orange and white colors.
I know i made them in more colors, like i said i just couldn't stop.
Best of all they catch fish and demand is picking up.

beast fiber hollow ty, blended with fine flash (sparse), fish skull fish mask 8,5.
Overall size is about 12-14 cm.

These got me thinking of some neon colors. pic's will follow.

Trout catching minnows

Just love'd tying these, just made a whole bunch of them, and kept some for me.

Mostly i would fish the white or black one, but just love the gold one move in the water.

These are made with marabou, mink zonker, ice dub, fish mask #4.

A little tip for those who don't like to play with uv or epoxy heads,
these fish masks make a nice head, you fix them with superglue and thread wraps
and the best of all you don't add weight.


Just toying around, here 's a goldfish you don't have to feed.

Beast fiber orange, angelhair hends.
Just a 4 step hollow tie.
Made it as a gift to a good friend.

dinsdag 4 november 2014

Beast fiber

Just playing around with some synthetics,
easy, cheap and fun to work with.

Hooks: gamakatsu F314, beastfiber, FJ eyes 14mm.