zaterdag 5 december 2015

princess Peach


People tie a lot of fly's but don't think about the action intended.
With very simple means, you can alter a fly without difficult steps.
I made a youtube video about a simple pattern and how to change the action.
It is so simple it can even be done at the waterfront.
Have fun watching and let me know what you think.

dinsdag 1 december 2015

Its hard to find a good rhythm in life, and keep everything well balanced. Didn't find much time lately, but need to get started and keep going.

Ive done some show's lately, trying to help launch some new products, promoting fly fishing in general just because we need to get kids interested in a hobby that doesn't involve a touchscreen or a game console.
The beauty of nature, the silence when we fish, ............... we all know why we fell in love with flyfishing.

Here are just a few moments from the last couple of weeks.

A future captain:

When fishing is slow :-)

Just a few of the hundreds ive tied